Friday 21 June 2013

Suvarov, Cook Islands

We arrived in Suvarov after a 6 day sail from Bora Bora after a mixed bag of weather en route.  WOW what a great site to be sailing in to the passage at Suvarov, there were 5 other yachts at anchor behind Anchorage Island.  Its a great spot, we explored ashore, ate fresh fish, coconut crabs, coconuts daily, swam with sharks, giant manta rays and snorkelling the coral reef - pristine place!

 At anchor in Suvarov lagoon, Oliver up the mast getting a better view of the sharks swimming around the boat, they were constantly around us...

 Cooked coconut crabs at a bbq ashore - very tasty!

 Suvarov yacht club, where the caretakers live for 6 months of the year

 Fresh tuna for tea - for about 3 days running, very yummy!

 Life aboard is pretty good!  Oliver is having plenty of new experiences and adventures...

 A new friend at Suvarov, Oliver and Oscar husking coconuts with their hand made spears

 Shark feeding frenzy behind the boat, mostly black tipped reef sharks, white tips and a few greys

 More sharks!

 Guitar practice ashore, playing for Charlies birthday party ashore with other yachties

 Distance home to Buddina

 Loving coconuts daily, especially since coconut juice is apparently very good for you - even nicer when chilled, with ice and a splash of rum

 Chores ashore, plenty of rain prior to our arrival meant washing water was available

 Exploring the island


  1. Is Oscar Oliver's long lost brother!!!

  2. hi oliver are you having a good time if it is yes you rock and if it is a no you don't rock. i ,liked the postcard you sent me and I'm glad you haven't hit a reef yet. i don't think you will. Did you eat the BIG TUNA? Have you seen any great white sharks or hobos? I am on holidays now. I went and saw dispicable me 2 and am doing surfing camp at alex. When do you get back? from caleb silva ROCKS

  3. Hi Oliver. Was it scary swimming with sharks? from Chloe Silva
